Healthy Living

A Macronutrient Guide to Balanced Eating

One of the main keys to living a healthy, vibrant life is keeping your blood sugar balanced throughout the day. This will keep your energy up, your mood stable, your brain sharp, and your body strong. Keeping your blood sugar balanced is actually simpler than you think…Here are few musts…

  1. Eat a balanced breakfast (protein, carbs, and fat) within 30-60 mins of rising each day.
  2. Eat every 3-4 hours! A meal or a balanced snack, depending on the time of day.
  3. Move your body daily! Even a quick stretch sesh or walk.
  4. Get plenty of sleep and hydration!

I put together this simple food guide to help you choose meals that keep your blood sugar regulated all throughout the day. All you need to do is pick one food from each category! Getting adequate protein is the key here and often takes a little forethought. Bear in mind, a cheese stick won’t cut it as your protein source for a meal, but makes a great snack, along with an apple or some baby carrots. On the flip side, carrots are a great snack, but probably won’t be enough carbs for a typical meal. Unless you eat a lot of them!

Most of our meals naturally include some type of fat, whether it be from the meat itself, or from the fat you are cooking it in, so focus on protein and carbs. If you are eating something super lean like a white flaky fish or chicken breast, then consider adding some avocado on the side or topping it with some cheese. You get the idea!

Don’t overcomplicate it. Enjoy your food! Its actually critical to your body’s absorption of the nutrients it offers.

I opted not to include many prepared condiments because that list could be very long! It’s easy enough to read the label and see for yourself. Condiments like mustard or vinegars offer a negligible amount of macros. But something like maple syrup or honey is all sugar…which is a carbohydrate! Nothing to be afraid of as long as you aren’t overdoing it and eating these sugars alongside protein and fat. All will be in balance!

Hope this helps you!

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