Beautycounter,  Healthy Living

Better Skin from Within? Here’s How.

We all want that radiant, lit from within, glow. Sure, there are oodles and oodles of skin care products I could sell you that will certainly help! However, you probably will not surprised to find that healthy, radiant skin starts within. Here are some simple action steps to get you glowing in no time.

Super Hydrate! Of course it’s no surprise that drinking water is at the top of the list. If you want supple, nourished looking skin, then it needs to be hydrated properly. Consider adding minerals to your water, like Trace Mineral Drops from Concentrace. And if you really wanna up your water game, get a filter that actually takes the junk out— like a Berkey or Aquatru. At the very LEAST, stop drinking out of plastic water bottles!!!! Aim for half your body weight in ounces daily.

Eat fruit! Fruit makes the top of the list when it comes to foods that are easy to digest, gentle on the gut, full of highly absorbable vitamins and minerals, and provide essential carbs! It’s the best skin food!

Get proper SLEEP! Your skin goes into restorative mode while you sleep. No sleep = no restoration. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, it’s worth taking a look at your adrenal/cortisol situation. If you aren’t getting enough sleep simply because you stay up late, consider reprioritizing your time! If you have littles at home who keep you up in the wee hours—this too shall pass! Prioritize sleep when you can.

Eat foods rich in Zinc! Zinc is an essential building block in skin repair. Eat plenty of red meat (grass fed), eggs, dark chocolate, chickpeas, lentils, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, high quality dairy, oysters, and shellfish. These foods have higher sources of bio available zinc.

Consider Collagen! I know this is a hotly debated topic in the nutrition world, BUT the body naturally produces less collagen as we age. So, it makes sense to replenish your collagen stores if you can. I’ve been taking collagen in the powdered form from Vital Proteins for 6 months now and I can report a difference.

Do report back if you try any of these suggestions! If you have a skincare secret that I missed, share it in the comments!

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